Service minded since 1936
Proton Engineering supplies high quality tube and pipe fittings to the automotive and engineering industry – with regular orders from several world-leading vehicle manufacturers. This is something we are proud of. But we are even more proud of our employees and their technical expertise, who together deliver complex complete solutions to our customers in tube bending, end forming and welding. With a a high level of service and a dedicated commitment, our goal is for our customers to feel secure when they choose us as their supplier. We know what we are doing and customise our solutions in the best possible way based on the customer’s needs and wishes.
But it wasn’t always like that. Our history goes back to 1936, when founder Anders Krahner started the business in Jönköping. Back then, there was a different focus than delivering awesome products to the automotive and engineering industries. with selling Borsalino hats, but that took a relatively quick turn in the 50s when we instead turned our focus to the manufacture of tubular steel furniture.

We help you go from idea to reality
The number that changed everything
Hats and furniture are all well and good, but when we received a crucial order from Volvo chairs for their passenger cars, everything changed. Now we were suddenly making a grand entrance into the automotive industry and the way forward seemed clearer than ever. Our supplier number with Volvo indicates that we were trusted at an early stage and the number 18 has become a number we carry with us in everyday life. Partly as our active supplier number to this day, but mainly as a reminder to ourselves that we do a good job and that we really value long-term relationships.
As the years went by, we started to adapt our business to the changes in the automotive industry. Now was the time to add expertise to the company and we quickly became very successful in the manufacture of complex pipe and sheet metal structures, an art that we have managed well along the way and which has made us who we are today – a leading and reliable supplier to the automotive and engineering industries.

The vision that became reality
Proton Engineering underwent several restructurings before 1990 when Leif Malveholm took over as owner. In connection with this, the foundation was laid for the entire Proton Group and we became part of a prominent group filled with exciting companies and people with high ambitions. Now our way forward became clearer than ever and formulated shortly afterwards in a vision that we still work by today, that we will offer complete solutions with pipes and sheet metal to the automotive and engineering industries world-leading manufacturers, with high technical expertise and a focus on long-term growth and profitability.
Today, we can say with a clear conscience that we are truly experts in our field. With our base in Skillingaryd, Småland, and our own factory in Klaipeda, Lithuania, we offer a high level of service, a sharp customer focus and excellent precision in our work. Together with our customers, we develop the best solutions that fulfil their requirements – with efficient and well-thought-out ideas that go from sketch to reality, without compromising on quality or safety.
Our Quality and Environmental Policy
At Proton Engineering we actively work on quality and environmental issues to promote continuous improvement towards our business goals. Together with our employees, customers and suppliers, we strive to be a conscious company that constantly improve our environmental performance and prevent pollution – with the aim of operating an environmentally sustainable business.
Proton Group has a common sustainability programme that is applied in all companies, where we have high demands both on ourselves and from our customers. To meet these demands and take our responsibility for a better future, we have a high focus on reducing discards. We also use green electricity, energise our lighting and apply ventilation recycling.

Proton Group
Read more about how Proton Group works with sustainability
Proton Groups Sustainability workEnjoy succeeding together.®
En del av Proton Group
Proton är en svensk, familjeägd industrikoncern i tillväxt. Vi investerar långsiktigt i människor, företag och branscher med potential att utvecklas. Resan mot målet, utmaningarna som vi möter på vägen och stoltheten över jobbet som vi gör tillsammans är vår gemensamma drivkraft.